Just saying

By Cicits - July 08, 2011

Aaaah, it feels like a century, since my last post.
Did i ever tell here, that I already pregnant? :) I felt like already tells whole universe :D.
Alhamdulillah, Alloh's always Right eventually. 10 weeks now, hopes everything going so well and fully blessed.

Ya, I dont't know what I am gonna say here.. too much things on my mind. This is still my first 'trimester' periode. I already change to be a picky eater ever! :D they called it as ngidam.

I have been preparing my Thesis defense, it should be finished before Mid August, Oh wish me luck for that, Can't hardly wait to graduate since my Baby's here, It will need more time and energy if he/she already comes to this world :)

Ya, maybe that's all I can share for now.
Work time already on :)

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