It is two month left before the thesis's Defense day and I still don't know how to start, maybe not about the 'How', but about the 'Time'.
Time flies so fast and everyday i feel tired and sleepy, now two month ahead, my Thesis should be finish so does my college.
I feels so scare at now. I can't desribe what I feel. But i can see my self in the mirror as a woman who change slowly to be a little girl, sit down in the corner alone and crying. I don't know what happened to me. I feel confused. I feels like a runner who run so fast at the first and when see the finish line feeling doubt, stop running and walking so slow.
Deep inside my heart. My heart's scream, is it true? is that really the Finish line? what will be happen after I over that line? is this what they called future? being a bachelor?
God know hows difficult and seems impossible to be here today. Lots of strugle, hard work and pray, its not easy, nothing at all, but why I feels like lose all of faith when I almost finish?
God, Please give me that spirit and power to finish what I start. Please give me concentration more than ussual, please be with me everytime.
This panic attack were ate my time and energy, I didn't do anything on my Thesis. Two month left. Just two month.
Close my eyes and Pray; all is right.
All is right.
I madly deeply love these Shoes ;
I got this as my birthday present last February
And now errr.. am sooooooooooo craving for this....
I always tell my self that I would never allow my self to be sad. I always got reason why I should be happy.
But speaking of this woman. Really really makes me sad. I got nightmare and I can't stop thinking about it.
We used to be bestfriend for each other at school. But now, I feel as a hater to its max.
I hate her. Who dare to play with other woman's husband and get pregnant before married.
I'm not an angel who don't have sin and judging other people as am the one who 'clear'.
But, at least, using your brain, if you don't have, please use your heart, if you still don't have could you please realize that you are woman, not an evil, you are being a bad woman, very bad bad woman, you are destroy a family! I wish you Hell.
I am a woman and I have husband. My husband is the Man who hv the way of thinking as a family man in Islamic way. He is person who will thinking zillion times before doing something stupid and big sin.
How if The husband you take from his wife is such a stupid man, moroon and even don't have a heart?
Don't you think its such a biggest enemy to realize somewhere out there, woman like you are exist in this world? How many wifes will be crying, No, you can't blame it on wife, who you claimed didn't take care her husband as well, who doesn't care of her body or her fashion sense!
Crime is crime, and took other woman's husband is crime in this world and akhirat, remember that!
Karma eventually will find you and Alloh SWT never sleep.
An ugly personality destroy preety face.
and even the worst.. destroy a family, destry other people's happiness.
Yesterday was my schedule at home to do homey sport and doing my thesis after work hour.. aaannnddd know whaatt, I saw advertise about Glee live in Concert will be held in London next June, Yaiyyy yaiyyy, yaiyyy!
I love Glee to the max! I bet everyone will love Glee either. Live in concert?? It must be US (Me & myhusband) who won the contest! *griinnn*
Contest? Super yeeeeepppp! Starworld Asia is invite everyone to join this contest until 28th may. Easy way to catch up this chance you just log on to
and choose which cast would you love to see as personal in Concert? Queen, Fin, Rachel, Sue, etc. etc. etc,
My best answer is.... tadaaaa definitely.... uhmmm... actually I still cant find out which one I Love the most between Brittany and Kurt Hummel :D they two are awesome!!
Coz we Have too choose one cast, I have choosen KURT, yaiyyy! and this was my answer when I submit the contest form;
'Love the way Chris act as Kurt. I even can't imagine that kurt is only a cast on Glee! He's look so real. The way he act, sing and his fashion sense is soo good. The most lovely thing from Kurt are he has humble heart and polite. Definitely see Kurt is the best answer from me!!'
I submit that with my email adress, and then in the next morning from office, my second submit is on behalf my husband's email, hahahaha, offcourse, STILL I put KURT as the answer.
Yaa.. yaa I Knew it is such a DREAM TOO TOOO TOOO high just to imagine I will be picked.
I dont know the way the judges takes decision, whether from the best reason or the quickest subimtted or they just choose it randomly, hahaha... my change to pick or not are either 100%, hahahaha.
A PAIR of TICKET to LONDON! even not in my dream, hahahaha. Just try, who knows? :D
Actually I want to submit again with different answer (I Love Brittany, anyway!) buuut little worry if they will banned same email adress and also its supported by my internet office connection that always downnn even moree -_______-
Yesterday, I had seeing my youngest sister and ask her to join (If she won then she have to bring me theree!! :D), And know whaaaatt her answer;
And my tears falls like river :D........
I love Glee to the max! I bet everyone will love Glee either. Live in concert?? It must be US (Me & myhusband) who won the contest! *griinnn*
Contest? Super yeeeeepppp! Starworld Asia is invite everyone to join this contest until 28th may. Easy way to catch up this chance you just log on to
and choose which cast would you love to see as personal in Concert? Queen, Fin, Rachel, Sue, etc. etc. etc,
My best answer is.... tadaaaa definitely.... uhmmm... actually I still cant find out which one I Love the most between Brittany and Kurt Hummel :D they two are awesome!!
Coz we Have too choose one cast, I have choosen KURT, yaiyyy! and this was my answer when I submit the contest form;
'Love the way Chris act as Kurt. I even can't imagine that kurt is only a cast on Glee! He's look so real. The way he act, sing and his fashion sense is soo good. The most lovely thing from Kurt are he has humble heart and polite. Definitely see Kurt is the best answer from me!!'
I submit that with my email adress, and then in the next morning from office, my second submit is on behalf my husband's email, hahahaha, offcourse, STILL I put KURT as the answer.
Yaa.. yaa I Knew it is such a DREAM TOO TOOO TOOO high just to imagine I will be picked.
I dont know the way the judges takes decision, whether from the best reason or the quickest subimtted or they just choose it randomly, hahaha... my change to pick or not are either 100%, hahahaha.
A PAIR of TICKET to LONDON! even not in my dream, hahahaha. Just try, who knows? :D
Actually I want to submit again with different answer (I Love Brittany, anyway!) buuut little worry if they will banned same email adress and also its supported by my internet office connection that always downnn even moree -_______-
Yesterday, I had seeing my youngest sister and ask her to join (If she won then she have to bring me theree!! :D), And know whaaaatt her answer;
And my tears falls like river :D........
Pernah nonton Glee gaa? Saat ini masih ditayangkan rerun-nya di Star World Asia untuk season II, setiap selasa malam, 07.45PM.
Kalo DVD bajakannya kayanya sudah bisa di cari, dan juga kayanya pernah lihat di TV swasta Indonesia ditayangkan juga, tapi kelihatannya responnya kurang yaa.
Saya suka sekali lagu-lagu Glee, tapi agak kurang tertarik dengan acara ajang pencarian bakat 'Dont Stop believing' yang konon terinspirasi dari Glee ini.
Kalo ada sebagian orang yang berpendapat bahwa Glee ini hanyalah Indianya versi Hollywood saya kurang setuju juga, apalagi setelah mengikuti season II. Karakter setiap pemain lebih tajam, berliku, ga bisa ditebak dan surprising, pilihan lagu dan aransemennya juga bagus-bagus.
Pepatah yang bilang bahwa kita bisa menghayati sebuah lagu jika kita punya 'kisah' didalamnya, membuat kita memiliki sense of belonging terhadap setiap lagu2 yang dibawakan.
Dan, sederhananya, hanya dengan melihat lagu glee ini, kita bisa merasa memiliki, tanpa harus menengok ke belakang dan melakukan cross chek apakah kita memiliki kenangan yang bisa menghubungkan lagu itu atau tidak :D
Lagu-lagu glee didalamnya juga bervariasi, dari mulai Balad, Romance, Rock, Pop sampe pernah ada cuplikan lagu dengan kata-kata; Bismillah.. :) era masa lalu sampai yang terpopuler saat ini.
Daaan, hampir semuanya saya suka, apalagi kalo mereka nyanyi dengan theme dan koreografi yang baik, rasanya besoknya ga sabar pengen download dan dengerin musiknya pas lagi nyuci (hehe, sungguh tidak berkorelasi sama sekali)
Salah satu teman saya menilai bahwa derajat musikalitas saya sangat old fashion :D, bukan saya tidak suka musik, hanya saja aliran saya ini aneh-aneh, saat yang lain suka westlife, saya malah gemar mendengarkan Kitaro atau Yani, saya juga memiliki kecenderungan untuk lebih menerima musik-musik instrumental, Piano, Biola, Harpa atau gitar saja. Saya juga suka sekali musik Rock, pada masanya, saya malah cepat tidur jika mendengarkan Linkin Park atau Scorpion.
Bicara tentang musik-musik lokal, saya tidak terlalu berminat, seperti band baru2, saya sudah tidak pernah lagi update semenjak masanya Sheila on 7 ke D'Massive. Bisa dibilang saya ini kritikus yang reseh, hehe.. setiap kali mendengarkan radio dan menemukan beberapa lagu semlohay tentang cinta, rasa-rasanya langsung gatal saja untuk berkomentar; 'kok bisa lagu kaya gini laku ya, hehehe'
Jadi, kehadiran Glee ini sangat banyak membantu saya untuk meng-up grade wawasan bermusik. Sejak kecil menyukai dan tumbuh di Art, saya langsung 'sreg' saat melihat dan mendengarkan bagaimana idealnya sebuah kisah di ceritakan melalui harmonisasi Nada..
Dan, yang paling penting.. lagu itu sendiri memilki 'pesan'.
So here the Glee's Season I and II list song --> klik link berikut :
( dan silahkan menuju download-er termudah, sesuai dengan koneksi internet anda :D) atau yang paling mudah, beli CD lagunya, kabarnya mereka sudah release dalam album Glee sendiri, Yaiyyy! :
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