All is right

By Cicits - May 10, 2011

It is two month left before the thesis's Defense day and I still don't know how to start, maybe not about the 'How', but about the 'Time'.
Time flies so fast and everyday i feel tired and sleepy, now two month ahead, my Thesis should be finish so does my college.

I feels so scare at now. I can't desribe what I feel. But i can see my self in the mirror as a woman who change slowly to be a little girl, sit down in the corner alone and crying. I don't know what happened to me. I feel confused. I feels like a runner who run so fast at the first and when see the finish line feeling doubt, stop running and walking so slow.

Deep inside my heart. My heart's scream, is it true? is that really the Finish line? what will be happen after I over that line? is this what they called future? being a bachelor? 

God know hows difficult and seems impossible to be here today. Lots of strugle, hard work and pray, its not easy, nothing at all, but why I feels like lose all of faith when I almost finish?

God, Please give me that spirit and power to finish what I start. Please give me concentration more than ussual, please be with me everytime.

This panic attack were ate my time and energy, I didn't do anything on my Thesis. Two month left. Just two month.

Close my eyes and Pray; all is right.

All is right.

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